Category Archives: Anthroposophy

Anthroposophy for children with chronic disease

anthroposophicAnthroposophic treatment for pediatric chronic disease is provided by physicians and differs from conventional treatment in the use of special therapies (art therapy, eurythmy [rhythmical movement], rhythmical massage therapy) and special medications.

Results of a study from the Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology, in Freiburg, Germany are reported here. Continue reading Anthroposophy for children with chronic disease

Anthroposophy is no better than conventional treatment for low back pain

Anthroposophy is a philosophy that maintains your response to your surroundings can be modified by virtue of a prescribed method of self-discipline.

OK, but my conclusion about the results of this study of anthroposophy differs from that of the researchers.

Here’s why. Continue reading Anthroposophy is no better than conventional treatment for low back pain