Review: Chiropractic care for autism

In addition to impacting the child and family’s quality of life, recent estimates place the lifetime cost for an individual with autism spectrum disorder at $3.2 million.

Researchers at Life Chiropractic College West, in Hayward, California, reviewed the evidence for chiropractic treatment.

First, the details.

  • A systematic review of the literature revealed a total of 5 articles.
    • 3 case reports
    • 2 studies

And, the results.

  • The literature is lacking on documenting the chiropractic care of children with ASD.
  • Preliminary studies indicate that the chiropractic adjustment may have benefit.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “Given the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical agents, a trial of chiropractic care for sufferers of autism is prudent and warranted.”

A review published in 2006 focuses on the results of one study of 26 people. Based on this limited evidence, it hypothesizes a role for chiropractic

OK, but what is that role, exactly?

Until somebody documents the specific “benefits” of chiropractic in autism, ineffective existing therapies are not a reason to use other therapies without scientific medical justification.

11/6/11 19:52 JR