Does anyone use St. John’s wort to treat dental pain?

Its claimed anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties in homeopathic medicine have led to a number of studies in patients with acute pain.

Researchers at University of Witten/Herdecke, in Germany reviewed the evidence for using St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) for pain conditions in homeopathic dental practice.

First, the details.

  • 21 relevant articles were found.
    • 4 described general recommendations.
    • 3 were basic research.
    • 6 reported studies in dental care.
    • 8 were expert opinions or case reports.
  • 4 studies were eligible for a meta-analysis.
    • All studies included in the meta-analysis used Arnica montana as well as Hypericum the results are more influenced by Arnica than Hypericum.

And, the results.

  • Although case reports suggest therapeutic potential of Hypericum for pain conditions in dental care, this effect is not supported by the results of clinical studies.
  • The overall effect failed to achieve statistical significance.

The bottom line?

The authors would like to see more research. To a hammer everything looks like a nail.

If you have dental pain, see a dentist.

Here is a review of the many pain conditions associated with dental procedures and better-tested pain control options available to your dentist.

12/23/12 11:35 JR