Yoga appears to be beneficial for people with pain

Researchers at the University of Witten/Herdecke, in Germany, reviewed the evidence.

First, the details.

  • 21 studies of varying quality were reviewed.
  • Data were combined to permit a meta-analysis.

And, the results.

  • All studies reported positive effects in favor of the yoga.
  • With respect to pain, meta-analysis revealed significant benefits for pain-related disability.
  • There was some evidence that yoga may be useful for several pain-associated disorders.
  • There are hints that yoga even over the short-term might be effective.

The bottom line?

Hints? Some evidence? After 21 studies, we still can’t say for sure that yoga is a beneficial treatment for pain. What kind of yoga is best? What type of pain responds most?

Based on what we know today, just a couple of large well-designed studies might clear up some of these questions.

2/15/12 22:17 JR