Physiotherapy following cesarean section

Researchers at Mugla University, in Turkey, investigated the effects of physiotherapy on incision pain and functional activities.

First, the details.

  • 50 women were assigned to a treatment.
    • Physiotherapy + routine care
    • Routine nursing care
  • They were evaluated for time of ambulation and return of bowel activity, intensity of incision pain, difficulty in functional activities, and number of analgesics required in addition to routine pain control.

And, the results.

  • Postoperative ambulation and return of bowel activity occurred earlier with physiotherapy + routine care
  • Incision pain and difficulty in functional activities decreased significantly within 2 days in both groups, but the values were significantly lower with physiotherapy + routine care.
  • Women receiving physiotherapy + routine care needed significantly less medication for pain control.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “The effectiveness of a physiotherapy program in the early post-cesarean period… [is] valuable for increasing the quality and productivity of the postnatal care, therefore improving well-being after childbirth.”

8/19/11 23:18 JR