The University of Connecticut reports that Dr. Dipak Das falsified the results of some studies of resveratrol.
But the CAM connection goes deeper.
U. Conn’s internal review found 145 instances over 7 years in which the dastardly Dr. Dipak Das’ data were fabricated, falsified, and fudged.
The bottom line?
The AP reports that Das’ other “specialty” areas include…
- medicines derived from plants
- the molecular structure of plants and herbs and their effect on heart disease
- a nutrient found in Vitamin E that has shown promise fighting free radicals.
He also gained attention in 2009 after publishing a study that concluded crushed garlic provided protection for heart health than processed garlic.
So, everything this guy has done in his professional life is suspect. And much of it affects CAM.
Pin Head.
1/12/12 21:43 JR