Pomegranate seed oil and menopausal symptoms

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna reported disappointing results.

First, the details.

  • 81 postmenopausal women were assigned to a treatment group for 12 weeks.
    • 2 daily doses of 30 mg pomegranate seed oil containing 127 mcg of steroidal phytoestrogens per dose
    • Placebo
  • The participants reported their number of hot flashes and completed the Menopause Rating Scale II at before the study and at weeks 4, 8, 12, and 24.
  • Hormonal status was determined before the study and after 12 weeks.

And, the results.

  • Hot flashes after 12 weeks:
    • Pomegranate seed oil reduced hot flashes per day by 4.3 (39%), vs placebo reduced by 2.5 (26%).
      • Significant vs the start of the study, but not between treatments
  • Hot flashes after 24 weeks (12 weeks after completing treatment):
    • The pomegranate group had an average of 7 hot flashes per day vs placebo group with 9 per day — a significant difference.
  • Although the overall sum score of the Menopause Rating Scale II parameters at week 12 was not significant between groups, the score of the vegetative somatic symptoms subgroup decreased significantly vs placebo — attributed mainly to improvement in sleeping disorders.
  • Pomegranate seed oil did not affect the hormone status.
  • No adverse effects were reported.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “In postmenopausal women, pomegranate seed oil does not significantly reduce hot flashes within a 12-week observation period.”

Further studies are needed to investigate the long-term effects.

1/25/12 21:12 JR