Mayo Clinic lists the benefits of yoga

… and other things you should know.

The authors tell us, “Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice.

What are the benefits?

  • Stress reduction
    • Yoga draws your focus toward balance and concentration.
  • Increased fitness
    • Less likely to be injured during physical endeavors
  • Management of chronic health conditions
    • Yoga might help with a variety of health conditions
      • Cancer
      • Depression
      • Pain
      • Anxiety
      • Insomnia
  • Weight loss
    • Yoga may help you make lifestyle changes to control of eating habits.

The bottom line?

It’s a succinct and well-written review that includes background to help you understand yoga, guidelines to ensure a successful start, and recommendations for finding a yoga class.

7/11/11 11:48 JR