Prevalence of supplement and tea use among infants

Researchers in Ohio and Maryland describe the use of dietary botanical supplements and teas among infants.

First, the details.

  • 2653 mothers with healthy term or near-term infants were included in the survey.

And, the results.

  • 9% of infants were given dietary botanical supplements or teas during their first year of life, including infants as young as 1 month.
  • Maternal herbal use, longer breast-feeding, and being Hispanic were significantly associated with giving infants dietary botanical supplements or teas.
  • Many of the supplements and teas used were marketed and sold specifically for infants.
  • Commonly mentioned information sources included friends or family, health professionals, and the media.

The bottom line?

The authors cautioned, “Because some supplements given to infants may pose health risks, health care providers need to recognize that infants under their care may be receiving supplements or teas.”

This is the first study to estimate the prevalence of dietary botanical supplements and tea use in US infants.

5/3/11 19:21 JR