Calcium + vitamin D effect on abdominal fat mass

Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston,  investigated the effect of calcium + vitamin D-supplemented orange juice on weight loss and visceral (internal organs) adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults.

First, the details.

  • 2 studies were conducted with either regular or reduced-energy (lite) orange juice.
  • For each 16-week study, 171 participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups.
    • 3, 240-mL glasses of orange juice (regular or lite) fortified with 350 mg calcium and 100 IU vitamin D per serving.
    • Control groups drank either unfortified regular or lite orange juice.
  • Computed tomography (CT) scans of visceral adipose tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue were performed by imaging at the lumbar 4 level (highest point of iliac crest, abdomen).

And, the results.

  • After 16 weeks, the average weight loss (2.45 kg; 5.4 lb) did not differ significantly between groups.
  • With regular orange juice, the reduction of visceral adipose tissue was significantly greater in the calcium + vitamin D group vs the control group.
  • With lite orange juice, the reduction of visceral adipose tissue was significantly greater in the calcium + vitamin D group vs the control group after controlling for visceral adipose tissue at the start of the study.
  • The effect of calcium and vitamin D on visceral adipose tissue remained significant when the results of the 2 studies were combined.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “The findings suggest that calcium and/or vitamin D supplementation contributes to a beneficial reduction of visceral adipose tissue.

It’s interesting that one of the researchers is associated with the Coca Cola Company, which sells Minute Maid Orange Juice. Based on these results, is OJ a functional food?

12/21/11 22:01 JR