Dr. Keith Wollen at Washington State University, in Port Angeles, has written a review of treatment options.
Let’s focus on CAM.
HuperzineA (HupA)
- 2 Chinese studies showed significant improvement in cognition, memory, and activities of daily living.
- A US study in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s patients reported cognitive enhancement.
- A Cochrane review concluded there are too few studies of sufficient quality to recommend its use.
- At this point, HupA appears to be effective and better tolerated than FDA-approved drugs, but larger studies are needed.
- Studies show no benefits in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Studies are ongoing.
Ginkgo biloba
- A Cochrane review of 36 studies concluded the effect of ginkgo was inconsistent.
- In 1 study, ginkgo and donepezil (Aricept) appeared equally effective over 24 weeks in mild-to-moderate dementia.
- There is concern over bleed risk with ginkgo, but studies have not confirmed this.
Panax ginseng
- There are few studies in Alzheimer’s disease.
- In 1 study, there was short-term (12-week) benefit, which declined to the level of the control group during the 12-week follow-up.
Withania somnifera (ashwagandha or Indian ginseng)
- No published research on Alzheimer’s disease.
- There’s little research on soy-based phosphatidylserine.
- Available data are conflicting.
alpha-Lipoic acid (ALA)
- Poorly designed studies provide no definitive results.
Omega-3 fatty acids
- Data suggest benefits are limited to patients with very mild cognitive impairment.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10; Ubiquinione)/idebenone)
- Studies report conflicting results.
B vitamins
- Low levels appear to be associated with cognitive decline.
- Studies have focused on changes in homocysteine, with the hope that lower levels will be therapeutic.
- No apparent effects on cognition.
Vitamin E
- 1 study reported that higher levels of vitamin A lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and slowed cognitive decline.
- Only a few, poorly designed study are available.
Physical exercise, cognitive training, and socialization
- Exercise appears to have benefit on executive function (planning, coordination, working memory, abstract thinking, initiation of appropriate actions)
- Also benefits with memory training and brain exercises in selected patients.
- Few studies have evaluated music on cognitive function, with benefits confined to very short-term.
The bottom line?
Dr Wollen concluded, “At the present time, nutritional, botanical, and stimulatory therapies may provide more benefit and with fewer adverse consequences than conventional medications.”
12/22/10 21:34 JR