Benefits of Pilates in healthy people

Researchers at the University of Evora, in Portugal, reviewed the evidence.

First, the details.

  • 16 studies met the inclusion criteria.
  • Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale values averaged 4.1 — low level of scientific rigor.
  • The outcomes studied most often were flexibility, muscular endurance, strength, and postural alignment.

And, the results.

  • Pilates appeared to improve the following outcomes in healthy people.
    • Flexibility (strong evidence)
    • Dynamic balance (strong evidence)
    • Muscular endurance (moderate evidence)

The bottom line?

That’s all fine, except that the studies were poorly done. So, we don’t really know any more now than before the studies were run.

The authors recommend to do better studies.

10/31/11 21:18 JR