Body image and eating behavior disorders among yoga/Pilates students

Researchers at the University of Minnesota looked for an association.

First, the details.

  • 1,030 young men and 1,257 young women who participated in Project EAT-III (Eating and Activity in Teens and Young Adults) followed young people as they progressed from adolescence to young adulthood and through their twenties.
    • Project EAT-III is designed to improve our understanding of what influences eating, physical activity, and weight-related behaviors in teens and young adults.

And, the results.

  • Among women…
    • disordered eating was prevalent in yoga/Pilates participants and nonparticipants, with no differences between the groups.
  • Men…
    • participating in yoga/Pilates were significantly more likely to use extreme weight control behaviors (19% vs. 7% in nonparticipants) and binge eating (12% vs. 4% in nonparticipants).
  • They were not more likely to use unhealthy weight control behaviors, than nonparticipants after adjusting for sociodemographics, weight status, and overall physical activity.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “Findings suggest the importance of helping yoga/Pilates instructors recognize that their students may be at risk for disordered eating.”

Instructors have an opportunity to do more than just demonstrate poses.

8/7/11 22:52 JR