Review: Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation

This Cochrane review reports on 6-month quit rates.

First, the details.

  • 11 studies compared hypnotherapy with 18 different quit options and placebo.

And, the results.

  • There were conflicting results for the effectiveness of hypnotherapy compared to no treatment, or to advice, or psychological treatment.
  • There was no evidence of a greater effect of hypnotherapy compared to rapid smoking or psychological treatment.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “We have not shown that hypnotherapy has a greater effect on 6-month quit rates than other interventions or no treatment.”

The evidence doesn’t support hypnotherapy over counseling.

The American Heart Association tells us, “With good smoking cessation programs, 20% to 40% of participants are able to quit smoking and stay off cigarettes for at least one year.”

That means you are likely to have to “quit” 5 times before you quit once.

12/18/10 19:43 JR