Why do patients with rheumatoid arthritis respond to homeopathy?

Researchers at Aldermoor Health Centre, Aldermoor Close, Southampton, UK compared homeopathic consultation to homeopathic remedies.

First, the details.

  • 83 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group for 24 weeks.
    • Homeopathic consultation + individualized homeopathy
    • Homeopathic consultation + complex homeopathy
    • Homeopathic consultation + placebo
    • Non-homeopathic consultation + complex homeopathy
    • Non-homeopathic consultation + placebo
  • ACR 20% improvement (ACR20; ACR criteria measures the number and improvement in tender or swollen joint) was recorded.
  • 28-joint DAS (DAS-28) was measured.
  • Patients also made monthly global assessments of their condition.
  • Tender and swollen joint count, disease severity, pain, weekly patient and physician global assessment, and inflammatory markers were also measured.

And, the results.

  • No significant differences in ACR20 or patient monthly assessments were observed.
  • There was no clear effect associated with homeopathic remedy.
  • Receiving a homeopathic consultation significantly improved DAS-28, swollen joint count, current pain, weekly pain, weekly patient monthly global assessment, and negative mood.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “Homeopathic consultations, but not homeopathic remedies, are associated with clinically relevant benefits for patients with active but relatively stable rheumatoid arthritis.”

Others have also suggested the importance of the consultation in patient satisfaction among patients with homeopathic treatment.

More on this topic is here and here.

11/18/10 19:14 JR