Dynamic chest compression occurs during spinal manipulation.
Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee, analyzed the magnitude of chest compressions during chiropractic manipulation.
First, the details.
- Part 1: A crash dummy was used to measure chest compression during “normal” chiropractic manipulation and spinal manipulations with maximum effort at the midback (T7 to T8 vertebrae).
- Part 2: A mechanical device was used to apply and measure the forces necessary to induce chest compression in the test dummy.
- These forces were increased until injurious levels of force were reached.
- The likelihood of injury was assessed and classified using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) — a classification system correlated to injury thresholds.
And, the results.
- Manipulations using typical and maximum efforts resulted in maximum chest compressions corresponding to minimal risk of minor (AIS 1 level) injuries.
The bottom line?
Interesting and reassuring.
A PubMed search revealed no similar studies.
5/18/11 19:53 JR