Researchers at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, in Japan measured immunological and psychological effects.
First, the details.
- 12 breast cancer patients received a 30-minute aromatherapy massage twice a week for 4 weeks (8 times in total).
- Their response was compared to an earlier 1-month before and after with no massage.
And, the results.
- Anxiety was reduced after 1, 30-minute aromatherapy massage based on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) test and after 8 sequential aromatherapy massage sessions in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) test.
- HADS measures the severity of anxiety and depression separately)
- Immunologic, CD16-positive lymphocytes (natural killer cells) were reduced significantly after aromatherapy massage.
- CD4-CXCR3-positive lymphocytes (type 1 helper T cells) increased significantly after the 8th aromatherapy massage vs before the 8th massage.
- CD4-CCR4-positive lymphocytes (type 2 helper T cells) also increased significantly after aromatherapy sessions.
- More than you ever needed to know about T helper cells is here.
- There were no changes during the month before or after massage.
The bottom line?
The authors tell us “Although it is hard to interpret these [immunological] results, theoretically, it is possible that aromatherapy massage affects the immune system.” states, “Research in cancer patients has shown that aromatherapy may help relieve:
- anxiety
- depression
- nausea
- high blood pressure
The effects of aromatherapy massage on the immune system require further research.
3/30/10 19:14 JR