Depression is associated with cardiovascular disease.
Researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center, in Murray, Utah, looked for an association between vitamin D deficiency and depression in these patients.
First, the details.
- 7,358 older adults with coronary artery disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, transient ischemic accident, atrial fibrillation, or peripheral vascular disease participated in the study.
- They had no prior depression diagnosis.
- Blood levels of vitamin D were measured and divided into 4 groups: greater than 50 ng/mL (optimal), 31 to 50 (normal), 16 to 30 (low), and less than 16 (very low).
- Depression was defined by the International Classification of Diseases.
And, the results.
- When compared to optimal vitamin D levels, lower vitamin D levels were significantly associated with depression.
- Winter (December-February) enhanced this association.
- This association remained even after adjustment by parathyroid hormone levels.
- Parathyroid hormone was significantly associated with depression, but not after adjusting for vitamin D levels.
- Older age enhanced the vitamin D/depression relationship.
The bottom line?
In this group of patients, there was an association between low vitamin D levels and the risk of depression.
For perspective, Dr. John Cannell, Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, has written a concise review of vitamin D and depression.
7/28/10 21:42 JR