There are 5 choices that make a difference, according to this report by the Cardiovascular Health Study group.
First, the details.
- 4883 adults 65 years or older were monitored for 10 years.
- Their lifestyle choices later in life were compared to their risk of diabetes mellitus.
- Low-risk lifestyle included the following factors
- Physical activity
- Higher than the median: exercise more than half of the people in your age group
- Leisure-time activity and walking pace
- Dietary score
- Higher fiber intake
- Higher polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio
- Lower trans-fat intake
- Lower glycemic index: ranking food by the speed it’s converted from carbohydrates to sugar
- Smoking
- Never smoked
- Former smoker more than 20 years ago or for fewer than 5 pack-years
- Alcohol use
- Obesity
- Body mass index (BMI) less than 25
- Waist circumference: 88 cm (34.6 inches) for women, 92 cm (36.2 inches) for men
- Physical activity
- Diabetes was defined as the new use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs.
And, the results.
- 337 people were diagnosed with diabetes requiring drug treatment.
- Each lifestyle factor was independently associated with a higher risk of diabetes
- People cut their risk of diabetes by half when they were physically active and had good dietary habits.
- Adding no smoking, and healthy alcohol habits lowered this risk 82%.
- The absence of obesity (healthy waist circumference and BMI) lowered this risk another 7%.
The bottom line?
When elderly people follow healthy lifestyle choices as defined in this study, they could lower the risk of being diagnosed with diabetes by about 90%.
Here are the 5 life choices for older people that will increase or decrease their risk for diabetes later in life.
- Physical activity
- Diet
- Smoking
- Alcohol use
- Obesity
And, there’s no need to take drugs or CAM to achieve the benefits.
4/28/09 09:44 JR