Balneotherapy for fibromyalgia

Researchers at the Istanbul Medical Faculty, in Turkey, studied the effects of balneotherapy alone and with physical therapies on the respiratory and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

First, the details.

  • 56 patients with fibromyalgia were assigned to a treatment group for 3 weeks.
  • All 3 groups received the same 3 physical therapy: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), ultrasound, and infrared.
    • Group 1: Physical therapy + balneotherapy (PT+BT)
    • Group 2: Physical therapy only (PT)
    • Group 3: Physical therapy + hydrotherapy (PT+HT)
  • Response was assessed on the 7th day of therapy, the end of therapy, and 6 months after therapy.
  • Pain, depression, respiratory symptoms, and quality of life were monitored.

And, the results.

  • Breathing, and lung function
    • At the end of therapy and at 6 months follow up, PT+HT was associated with significant improvements in breathing, and lung function.
    • PT group had no significant change in shortness of breath or lung function.
    • PT+BT and PT+HT achieved significant improvements at the end of therapies for shortness of breath and lung function, but only the PT+BT group had significant improvements for shortness of breath and lung function at six month after the study.
  • Depression
    • All groups achieved significant improvements in depression.
    • Scores with PT and PT+HT groups reversed at 6 months follow up.
  • Pain
    • Pain improved at the 6-month follow up in PT+HT and PT+BT groups, but not with PT alone.
  • At the end of therapy
    • PT+BT group had more significant improvements at the end of therapy.

The bottom line?

It’s a bit confusing.

However, the authors concluded, “The group of PT+BT was significantly better than other groups” regarding breathing and other symptoms. And, the response lasted for 6 months.

A review of available evidence in 2009 was less positive for balneotherapy in patients with fibromyalgia.

1/23/11 20:47 JR