Are you getting your nutrients from your multivitamin supplement? found defects in over 30% of the multivitamins selected for review.
And the results.
- Many products exceeded tolerable upper limits for certain vitamins or minerals.
- 3 of 4 popular children’s multivitamins reviewed were too high in vitamin A.
- 1 men’s multivitamin was contaminated with lead and another had too much folic acid — associated with more than doubling the risk of prostate cancer.
- 1 general multivitamin had no more than 50% of its folic acid.
- Another was missing 30% of its calcium.
- A senior’s, a prenatal, and a women’s multivitamin each had only 44%, 44%, and 66%, respectively, of their vitamin A.
- A vitamin water had 15 times its stated amount of folic acid.
- Drinking 1 bottle would exceed the tolerable limit for adults.
- Drinking less than half a bottle would put children over the limit.
- A pet multivitamin was contaminated with lead and another had only 46% of its vitamin A and 55% of its calcium.
The bottom line?
More oversight is needed to protect the health and financial investment of those who purchase multivitamin and mineral products.
A list of the products tested is on the website, but you’ll have to be a subscriber to get the details.
1/11/11 20:46 JR