Physical activity enhances quality of life (QOL). Researchers from The Pennsylvania State University, in University Park evaluated the influence of physical self-worth and positive affect on this relationship.
First, the details.
- Middle-aged women who had participated in a 4-month study of walking and yoga answered a mail-in survey 2 years later.
- The survey included a series of psychological and physical activity questions, on menopausal symptoms and menopause-related QOL.
And, the results.
- Physical activity and menopausal symptoms were related to physical self-worth and positive affect.
- Greater levels of physical self-worth and positive affect were associated with higher levels of menopause-related QOL.
- Increases in physical activity and decreases in menopausal symptoms over the 2 years were related to increases in physical self-worth.
The bottom line?
The authors concluded, “The effects of physical activity on QOL are mediated, in part, by intermediate psychological outcomes and that physical activity can have long-term benefits for women undergoing the menopausal transition.”
10/29/09 20:37 JR