Researchers from the University of Western Sydney, in Australia report no benefit after 16 weeks of treatment.
First, the details.
- 93 healthy women with at least 6 vasomotor symptoms each day were recruited to participate in 16 weeks of treatment.
- A product containing Chinese herbs and Cimicifuga racemosa (equivalent to 3150 mg dry herb)
- Placebo
- Women recorded the number and severity (1=mild to 4=very severe) of vasomotor symptoms in a daily hot flush diary.
- Neither the women nor researchers knew the treatment given.
And, the results.
- There were no significant differences in hot flash frequency or intensity reported by the patients or in the scales used to compare the responses between placebo and herbal treatment.
The bottom line?
“This herbal formula containing Chinese herbs and Cimicifuga cannot be recommended to alleviate menopausal vasomotor symptoms or improve quality of life,” concluded the authors.
10/29/09 21:07 JR