Falls prevention programs reduce the risk in older people. But are they cost-effective?
Researchers in the UK evaluated the fiscal benefits.
First, the details.
- 364 seniors at high risk of falling and living in the community received a falls prevention information leaflet.
- They were divided into 2 groups.
- A day hospital multidisciplinary falls prevention program, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nurse, medical review, and referral to other specialists
- A control group
- Self-reported falls were recorded in 12 monthly diaries.
- Levels of health resource use were monitored.
- Mean NHS costs and falls per person per year were estimated for both groups.
And, the results.
- The average falls program cost was £349 ($488) per person.
- This, coupled with higher screening and other health-care costs, resulted in a average incremental cost of £578 ($808) for those in the falls prevention program.
- The average rate of falls was lower in the falls prevention group (2.07 per person/year) vs the control group (2.24).
- The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £3,320 ($4645) per fall averted.
- Cost-effectiveness ratio compares the relative costs and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses of action.
The bottom line?
Based on the reported benefits, the authors recommended; “future research should focus on adherence to the intervention and an assessment of impact on quality of life.”
Earlier this year, researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, applied a mathematical epidemiological model to estimate the cost-effectiveness of several fall prevention options. They concluded that based on the greatest evidence, home modifications provide the best value.
10/21/10 20:39 JR