Consumer Alert: Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Oh, Oh. They added belladonna.

FDA found that this homeopathic product contains inconsistent amounts of belladonna, and using it may pose a risk to children.

Here’s what we know.

  • There have been reports of serious adverse events in children taking Hypand’s Teething Tablets that are consistent with belladonna toxicity.
  • The FDA has also received reports of children who consumed more tablets than recommended, because the containers do not have child resistant caps.

The bottom line?

FDA recommends that consumers not use this product and dispose of any in their possession.

Consult your healthcare professional if your child experiences symptoms such as seizures, difficulty breathing, lethargy, excessive sleepiness, muscle weakness, skin flushing, constipation, difficulty urinating, or agitation after using Hyland’s Teething Tablets.

Healthcare professionals and patients are encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of this product to the FDA’s MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program.

10/24/10 15:08 JR