Survey of American medical students about CAM

Researchers from several US medical schools surveyed the students.

First, the details.

  • A panel of experts in CAM and integrative medicine, allopathic medicine, and medical education developed the Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine Attitudes Questionnaire (CAIMAQ).
  • 1770 surveys were obtained in a national sample of medical students in 2007, which included 51% of US medical schools.

And, the results.

  • Respondents held the most positive attitude for the “mind–body–spirit connection.”
  • The least positive attitude was for the “desirability of CAM and integrative therapies.

The bottom line?

In general, students are more positive toward the principles of CAM and integrative therapies than to CAM and integrative therapies treatment.

The authors concluded, “A higher quality of CAM and integrative therapies-related medical education and expanded research into CAM and integrative therapies would facilitate appropriate integration” into medical curricula.

The complete article is here.

The questionnaire focused on “core values” rather than the students’ knowledge of CAM.

Most interesting…

  • 49% of students used CAM.
  • 38% received treatment from a CAM provider (an acupuncturist, chiropractor, etc.).
  • 14% treated someone else with CAM.

The 10 most commonly used CAM therapies during the past year.

  • Massage (35%)
  • Deep breathing exercises (32%)
  • Prayer for health reasons (29%)
  • Yoga (28%)
  • Meditation (25%)
  • Diet-based therapies (20%)
  • Herbal medicine (18%)
  • Progressive relaxation (15%)
  • Aromatherapy (13%)
  • Non-vitamin, non-mineral, natural products (10%)

1/21/10 21:11 JR