Researchers at the University Medical Centre Utrecht and De Hoogstraat, in The Netherlands surveyed the use of CAM in a large group of Dutch patients with spinal cord injury.
First, the details.
- 575 people with spinal cord injury were surveyed by mail.
- Questions covered current level of pain, past and current pain treatments, and perceived effectiveness of current pain treatments.
And, the results.
- Most respondents with chronic spinal cord injury pain (63%) reported more than 1 pain type, of which neuropathic pain was most frequently reported (69%).
- Of this group, 64% were using some kind of treatment, although high levels of pain were reported.
- Most often used CAM:
- Massage (therapy)/relaxation (training)
- CAM most often perceived as effective:
- Acupuncture/magnetizing
- Cannabis/alcohol
- Physiotherapy and exercise
- Massage (therapy)/relaxation (training).
- Least often perceived as effective was TENS/ultrasound.
The bottom line?
Interestingly, these patients considered even the least effect CAM (TENS) to be more effective than antidepressants.
8/12/10 20:15 JR