What, exactly, is music therapy…or a music therapist, for that matter?

A survey by Mr. Jonathan Koffman at King’s College London School of Medicine reveals the problem with music therapy. Perhaps we can offer a solution.

The aim of the study was to “explore the role of music therapy within multidisciplinary palliative care teams, and guide the future development of the discipline.” Analysis of the results of 20 surveys of healthcare professionals revealed the following information.

  • Yes, most interviewees valued music therapy.
  • However, there was a lack of understanding of the role of the music therapist, particularly among nurses.

The bottom line?
It’s not good when nurses don’t understand why you’re hanging around their work area. To learn more, we might start here at the American Music Therapy website or here at Wikipedia.

More to the point, social worker Matthew Bush takes popular music, something many children readily listen to and identify with, and “helps them use it as a coping skill and outlet for self-expression.”

After listening to a couple of his music selections, Dr. Irene, the wife, speaking from a psychological perspective, thinks it could help people become more aware (mindful) of their issues and prepare them to take the next steps in overcoming them.

Kathy Quain (photo) lists other (I think more conventional) benefits of music therapy at her Music for Therapy website .

7/19/07 15:47 JR