Dr. Irene just brought one home from the Stop-&-Shop. And it is homely, but very good.
Cut the ulgi (UHG-lee) fruit across, and it looks like a grapefruit. Peel back the pliable skin, and the segments separate to form bite-sized pieces that taste like a mild orange, but with more juice.
According to the ULGI website, the “tangelo is a variety of citrus fruit grown exclusively in Jamaica? It was discovered… over 80 years ago… The original tree is believed to have been a hybrid formed from the Seville orange, the grapefruit, and the tangerine families.”
The Iowa University website tells us, “As the name implies, the ugli fruit, with its uneven surface and green-yellowish color, does not have an attractive appearance… Its surface can be discolored, dented, and unevenly shaped.”
“Like other citrus fruits, the ugli fruit is rich in vitamin C.”
“Nutrition information for 1 fruit (5 oz)
- Calories: 36
- Carbohydrates: 8 grams
- Protein: 1 gram
- Fiber: 2 grams
Consider it a complementary option for getting your vitamin C.
4/29/07 18:00 JR