No effect of ginger on muscle pain during cycling

Researchers from Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville studied ginger’s effects following cycling exercise.

First, the details.

  • 25 college-age participants ingested a 2-gram dose of ginger or placebo.
  • 30 minutes later they cycled for 30 minutes.
  • Each took both treatments in random order — crossover design.
  • Neither the participants nor researchers knew the treatment taken — double-blind.
  • A battery of tests was taken every 5 minutes during exercise.
  • Heart rate and VO2 (indicator of cardiorespiratory endurance) were recorded for 20 minutes after exercise.

And, the results.

  • Compared with placebo, ginger had no clinically or statistically significant effect on perceptions of muscle pain, perceived exertion, work rate, heart rate, or VO2 during exercise.
  • Recovery of VO2 and heart rate was similar after ginger and placebo treatments.

The bottom line?
The authors tell us there is some evidence of benefit with ginger in horses, but not in humans.

2/16/09 19:42 JR