Effect of acupuncture in atopic eczema

eczemaProf. Florian Pfab from the Technische University Munchen, in Germany has reported that acupuncture prevents histamine-induced itching.

In this study Prof. Pfab and colleagues report its effect on the wheal and flare response in adults with atopic eczema.

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic inflammatory condition of the skin, usually causing itching.

First, the details.

  • An allergen stimulus (house dust mite or grass pollen skin prick) was applied to 30 patients with atopic eczema before and after acupuncture treatments.
    • Acupuncture at points Quchi (LI11; around the elbow), Xuehai (SP10; knee)
    • Placebo-point acupuncture
    • No acupuncture
  • Itch intensity was recorded on a visual analogue scale.
  • After 10 minutes, wheal and flare size and skin perfusion were measured at the stimulus site.
  • Participants completed the Eppendorf Itch Questionnaire, which was developed in Germany by dermatologists and neurophysiologists.

And, the results.

Acupuncture before the stimulus

  • Compared to placebo acupuncture and no acupuncture, itch intensity was significantly less with acupuncture.
  • Eppendorf Itch Questionnaire ratings were significantly lower with acupuncture and placebo acupuncture vs no acupuncture.

Acupuncture after the stimulus

  • Wheal and flare size were significantly smaller after acupuncture vs placebo acupuncture and no acupuncture.
  • Perfusion (spread) was significantly less with acupuncture vs no acupuncture.
  • Eppendorf Itch Questionnaire ratings were significantly lower with acupuncture and placebo acupuncture vs no acupuncture.

The bottom line?

The authors concluded, “Acupuncture at the correct points showed a significant reduction in type I [immediate] hypersensitivity itch in patients with atopic eczema.”

12/29/09 22:13 JR