Vialipro is sold as a dietary supplement in the US.
The FDA found that certain batches of Vialipro contain sulfoaildenafil, an analogue of sildenafil, which is used to treat male erectile dysfunction (impotence).
Since the FDA never approved inclusion of sulfoaildenafil in Vialipro, that makes it an unapproved drug.
The bottom line?
Vialipro, says the FDA, “may pose a threat to the consumer because the interaction of the analogue [sulfoaildenafil] with some prescription drugs (such as nitroglycerin) may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels.”
Consumers who have purchased Vialipro should discontinue its use and return it to Good Health, Inc. Here’s a website that lists the lot numbers of the product that are contaminated.
7/20/10 22:28 JR