Vitamins fail to prevent bladder cancer

During the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association, researchers from the University of Washington reported that taking a multivitamin didn’t prevent urothelial (bladder) cancer.

First, the details.

  • 77,719 older adults (50-76 years) completed a questionnaire.
  • They were followed for the next 5 years.

And, the results.

  • 330 people developed urothelial cell carcinoma of the bladder.
  • There was no evidence that taking a vitamin protected against urethral cancer.

The bottom line?

Dr. Mark Moyad, from the University of Michigan Medical Center, in Ann Arbor, moderated the session where this study was presented. He concluded, “The reality is that very little scientific research has proven vitamins to be effective in protecting against cancer and some studies have even shown that taking certain vitamins could increase one’s risk of cancer.”

It’s interesting to know that vitamins available for purchase don’t prevent cancer. But this shouldn’t be a surprise considering they aren’t marketed to do anything more than prevent or correct deficiencies.

The most significant action people can take to lower their risk for bladder cancer is to stop smoking.

6/1/10 17:25 JR