Effects of US healthcare reform on CAM

Jane Hoback, writing in Natural Foods Merchandiser, has listed areas of interest to CAM practitioners.

Here are the details.

  • Title 4
    • Focuses on prevention of chronic disease and improving public health.
  • Section 2706
    • Prohibits discrimination “against any healthcare provider acting within the scope of that provider’s license or certification” under state law.
    • This might create opportunities for alternative medicine practitioners in states and insurance plans that don’t currently include them.
  • Sections 5101 and 3502
    • Creates a National Healthcare Workforce Commission and provides for “community health teams” that include “licensed complementary and alternative medicine practitioners.”
  • Section 4206
    • Sets up a pilot program for “wellness plans.”
    • Grants are included for community health centers focusing on nutrition counseling, exercise plans, alcohol and smoking cessation, stress management, and dietary supplements whose health claims have been approved by the FDA such as vitamin D, calcium, folic acid, soy protein and fiber.

It’s not clear to what extent herbal medicine and dietary supplements will be covered and reimbursed.

4/7/10 12:17 JR