Researchers at Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah reviewed the safety and efficacy of magnesium supplements in patients with or at risk of heart disease.
Their review of the scientific literature revealed the following.
- There were no reports of adverse effects from magnesium supplementation in any of the studies.
- People reporting lower dietary magnesium intake had significantly lower magnesium blood levels than those reporting higher dietary magnesium intake.
- In some cases, those with low dietary magnesium intake had a significantly higher frequency of supraventricular (abnormal) heart beats.
- In men, higher intake of magnesium was associated with a modest reduction in heart disease risk.
- There was no similar reduction in women.
The bottom line?
Magnesium is safe, and the authors conclude, “There is a possible association between a modestly lower risk of coronary heart disease in men and increased magnesium intake.â€
They believe it’s “reasonable to encourage diets high in magnesium as a potential means to lower the risk of coronary heart disease.†However, specific recommendations were not mentioned in the abstract.
12/11/09 23:50 JR