Essential recommendations for acne care

I recently worked on an educational program with a group of dermatologists who specialize in treating acne.

During a series of discussions they listed essential considerations for an effective acne treatment strategy.

Young adolescents often lack basic information about proper skin care. Accordingly, an acne treatment program begins by improving skin hygiene.

  • Make skin care a daily routine.
    • It’s essential to remove unwanted surface debris.
    • Twice daily is better than once daily.
    • It permits better contact between applied medications and the skin surface, which helps absorption of topical medicine.
  • Be gentile
    • Mild cleaners cause minimal skin disruption
    • They’re less likely than strong deodorant soaps to damage the skin.
    • Abrasive sponges or cloths, as well as astringents with alcohol, increase skin dryness and may worsen irritation.
  • Protect yourself from the sun
    • Skin discoloration, if present, tends to be more persistent in the absence of photoprotection.
    • Use an effective UVA and UVB sunscreen in the morning and early afternoon.

The bottom line?
I’ll list the link as soon as the article is published.

4/20/09 19:41 JR