Coffee, tea, and the risk of diabetes

Diabetes tool boxResearchers from The University of Sydney, in Australia report the findings of meta-analyses of coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea consumption on the risk of diabetes.

First, the details.

  • 18 studies of 457,922 participants were reviewed and the data combined for a meta-analysis.

And, the results.

  • Drinking more coffee was associated with a lower risk of diabetes.
  • For every additional cup of coffee consumed in a day, there was a 7% reduction in the risk of getting diabetes after adjusting for potential confounding factors.
  • Similar significant associations were observed with decaffeinated coffee and tea vs the risk of diabetes.

The bottom line?

What’s in coffee or tea that might have a protective effect isn’t known. It’s probably not the caffeine since a similar relationship was reported with decaffeinated coffee.

Probably the most important message from this research is that people can drink coffee or tea without concern that it increases their risk for diabetes.

12/20/09 19:49 JR