Safety of cranberry during pregnancy and lactation

Women experience urinary tract infections with greater frequency during pregnancy.

It’s not clear if cranberries are helpful to prevent urinary tract infections, but since many people think they are, it’s worth taking a look.

Researchers from Korea reviewed the medical literature.

  • There was no direct evidence of safety or harm to the mother or fetus as a result of consuming cranberry during pregnancy.
  • Cranberries appear to have minimal risk.
  • In lactation, the safety or harm of cranberry is unknown.

The bottom line?
Another review concluded that about 100 women would have to be treated for one year in order to prevent at least 1 urinary tract infection in 15 to 33 women.

One problem with cranberries is that drinking one glass is fine, but taking it day after day is a challenge.

2/5/08 10:18 JR