Huangqi type formulations for nephrotic syndrome

Cochrane Review has assessed the benefits and harms of Huangqi and Huangqi type formulations to treat the nephritic syndrome — a nonspecific disorder where the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein from the blood into the urine.

3 studies of 128 patients were identified that compared Huangqi type formulations with placebo.

  • Huangqi injection had a positive effect on albumin and cholesterol blood levels, and hormone reduced syndrome.
  • Huangqi reduced some adverse reactions such as Cushing’s syndrome and respiratory tract infection.
  • There was no benefit on reducing relapse.

The bottom line?
Based on limited data, Huangqi type formulations may relieve symptoms of nephrotic syndrome and reduce the adverse reactions of other drugs.

4/17/08 22:29 JR