The American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology offers tips for creating a safe Halloween for food-allergic children.
- Don’t allow your child to trick-or-treat alone.
- Verify that adults or friends understand food allergies and what to do in an emergency.
- Have your child carry emergency medication on Halloween night.
- Before Halloween, distribute safe snacks to neighbors to give to your child.
- Eat dinner before trick-or-treating to reduce urges to sneak a treat.
- Trick-or-treat candies may have different ingredients the same brands in regular size.
- Carefully check all treats’ ingredients. If in doubt about ingredients, throw the candy away.
- Work with your child’s teacher to plan a school party involving non-food treats, such as stickers or novelty erasers.
- Host a party that focuses on costumes, pumpkin carving, games and other Halloween-themed fun.
Medical News Today also makes recommendations.
10/24/09 21:02 JR