Anthroposophic treatment for pediatric chronic disease is provided by physicians and differs from conventional treatment in the use of special therapies (art therapy, eurythmy [rhythmical movement], rhythmical massage therapy) and special medications.
Results of a study from the Institute for Applied Epistemology and Medical Methodology, in Freiburg, Germany are reported here.
First, the details.
- 435 consecutive patients started anthroposophic treatment for any chronic disease.
- Average age was 8 year and ranged from 1 to 17 years old.
- Patients were followed for 2 years.
- Disease severity was assessed from 0 to 10 (worst possible)
- “Disease Score†was based on physicians’ global assessment of severity of the main diagnosis.
- Symptom Score was based on caregivers’ assessment of severity of 1 to 6 most relevant symptoms present at the start of the study.
And, the results.
- Disease Score improved significantly an average of 3 points.
- Symptom Score improved by about 2 points — also statistically significant.
- These improvements were maintained during the study.
- Symptom Score improved similarly in patients not using adjunctive non-anthroposophic therapies within the first 6 months of study.
The bottom line?
The authors concluded, “Children under anthroposophic treatment had long-term improvement of chronic disease symptoms.â€
The study design prevents any conclusions about the comparative value of anthroposophic therapy vs placebo or any alternative therapy.
Cynically, I think the only thing one might conclude is that if you keep kids busy enough, it tends to take their mind off of their condition.
10/3/09 22:05 JR