Using diet to lower cholesterol

 What follows are recommendations from a meeting of experts in Australia where the evidence for dietary interventions to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol blood levels was reviewed.

And, the results.

  • Comprehensive dietary recommendations are indicated for all people with a 5-year risk for coronary disease of at least 10%.
  • Results of short-term studies show that dietary changes have the potential to lower LDL cholesterol by approximately 20%.
  • The most effective dietary strategies:
    • Replace saturated and trans fatty acids with poly- and monounsaturated fats.
    • Increase intake of plant sterols.
    • Weight loss and increased intake of soluble fiber and soy protein can also lower cholesterol and may be considered when recommending a nutritionally balanced, cholesterol lowering diet.

The bottom line?
Motivational interviewing by general practitioners can improve the effectiveness of these dietary recommendations, at least in the short-term.

More on what’s known about the pros and cons of soy is summarized here.

And general dietary recommendations to get started on a cholesterol-lowering diet can be found here.

7/8/09 18:22 JR