May is stroke month

 So, here’s a list of studies on CAM and stroke that were published in the past year.

Stroke risk

  • “The combined impact of the 4 health behaviors [smoking, exercise, alcohol, vitamin C] — though relatively modest and potentially achievable across all ages, sex, and social classes — was associated with an estimated 2.3-fold difference in risk of stroke.”

Mediterranean diet

  • “Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet… was associated with a lower risk of… stroke in women.”

Fatty fish

  • Modest consumption of fish is associated with a lower prevalence of subclinical brain infarcts (”tiny” strokes) — changes in the brain consistent with a stroke, but without the usual outward signs and symptoms.


  • “Music, when applied during the most dynamic period of recovery from neural damage, can induce long-term changes on cognition [reasoning] that is [shown] by enhanced recovery of focused attention and verbal memory.”


  • “Incorporating biofeedback into the treatment regimen had a positive effect on the range of motion and on the recovery of upper extremity function in hemiplegic patients.”

Coffee and tea

  • 1 study suggests a protective role.


  • “There is not enough evidence to make any conclusion about the therapeutic effect of acupuncture for dysphasia after acute stroke.”

Balance training

  • Combining balance training (using force platform biofeedback) with a conventional rehabilitation program did not provide additional benefits.

5/1/09 15:21 JR