Yoga for depression and anxiety in women

Researchers from Azad University, in Mashhad, Iran report that yoga reduced anxiety but not depression.

Here’s a summary of what they and others have found.

First, the details.

  • 67 women were randomly assigned to a treatment group.
    • Twice weekly yoga classes of 90-minute duration for 2 months.
    • A waiting list and no yoga.

And, the results.

  • There was no difference in depression between the groups at the end of the study.
  • However, those who took the yoga classes showed a significant decrease in anxiety.

The bottom line?
Other studies have come to positive conclusions as well.

Fooyin University, Taiwan

  • 128 elderly people were assigned to a 70-minute silver yoga exercise program 3 times per week for 6 months or to no treatment.
  • Sleep quality, depression, and health status were significantly improved in the yoga group.

Bangalore Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, India

  • 88 breast cancer patients were randomly assigned to yoga or brief supportive therapy prior to radiotherapy treatment.
  • There were significant decreases in anxiety, depression, perceived stress, morning salivary cortisol, and average cortisol in the yoga group vs controls.

Other studies with positive results are summarized here.

4/6/09 20:30 JR