Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine in Columbia reviewed the evidence.
First, the details.
- 8 studies in adults comparing music to no music during colonoscopy were included.
- The data were combined and a meta-analysis was conducted for the following:
- Total procedure time
- Dose of sedative (midazolam [Versed] and meperidine [Demerol])
- Pain scores
- Experience and willingness to repeat the same procedure in the future
And, the results.
- Overall experience was significantly improved with music.
- There were no differences in pain scores, doses of midazolam or meperidine, procedure times, and willingness to repeat the same procedure in future.
The bottom line?
The authors concluded, “Music improves patients’ overall experience with colonoscopy.” But all procedure-related differences reported here were unaffected by music.
The significant improvement in overall experience might be due to reduced anxiety as supported by the results of 3 earlier studies (here, here, and here).
2/12/09 19:04 JR