Trying to eliminate caffeine from your diet? Chances are you’ll have to try harder. Here’s a comparison of the caffeine content in a variety of coffees.
For comparison, an 8-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee typically contains 85 mg of caffeine.
- Nine out of 10, 16-ounce decaffeinated drip-brewed coffee beverages from nine coffee houses contained 8.6 to 12.9 mg of caffeine — only one had no caffeine
- Starbucks’ decaffeinated espresso contains 3 to 15.8 mg per shot
- Starbucks’ brewed decaffeinated coffee contains 12 to 13.4 mg per 16-ounce serving
- Espresso drinks such as lattes (which contain two shots of espresso) can deliver as much caffeine as a can of Coca Cola — about 31 mg
“As little as 10 mg of caffeine can produce reliable subjective and behavioral effects in sensitive individuals,” say Dr. Roland Griffiths, a professor of behavioral biology and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
This study shows that many decaffeinated coffee drinks deliver caffeine at doses above these levels.
10/15/06 21:13 JR