More evidence against intensive whiplash treatment

Once again, less is more.

First, the details.

The records of almost 1700 Canadian adults who sustained whiplash injuries were divided into initial patterns of care.

  • General practitioners, chiropractors, specialists
  • Number of visits (low vs high utilization)

And the results.

  • The fasted recovery was in patients in the low-utilization general practitioner group and those in the general medical group.
  • By comparison, the 1-year rate of recovery in the high-utilization chiropractic group was 25% slower.
  • The low-utilization general practitioner plus chiropractic group recovery rate was 26% slower.
  • The high-utilization general practitioner plus chiropractic combined group the rate was 36% slower.

The bottom line?
It’s not the first time this has been reported. Earlier reports are summarized here, here, and here.

Is it a reflection of the care? Or is it because more severe accidents lead to the combination of higher utilization and slower recovery?

By all means, click this link for the best article.

5/29/07 21:13 JR