The effects of tai chi on bone in postmenopausal women

Base on the available data, it looks pretty good.

Researchers from the New England School of Acupuncture in Watertown, Massachusetts searched the medical literature and found 6 studies in women worth considering (the studies that is).

  • Novice tai chi practitioners benefited by reduced rates of decline in bone mineral density (BMD; a measure of the risk of fracture) after menopause.
  • Long-term tai chi practitioners had higher BMD than age-matched sedentary people who did not practice tai chi.
  • They also had slower rates of postmenopausal BMD decline.
  • No adverse effects related to tai chi were reported in any trial.

The bottom line?
Tai chi is safe, and there is a positive association with BMD in women.

The most challenging study for any researcher is to determine if there is a difference in the risk of fracture over the long-term. It would be useful to study this in postmenopausal women (and men).

Regardless, tai chi is a good way to stay active as we grow older.

5/28/07 19:18 JR