Acupuncture/ pressureBreathingCognitive-Behavioral TherapyExerciseFatigueHydrotherapyMassagePhysiotherapyReikiRelaxationTai ChiYoga
CAM and the chronic fatigue syndrome
Medscape has published a review.
Here’s a summary of CAM options.
For anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being, and reducing pain
- Deep breathing
- Muscle relaxation techniques
- Massage
- Healing touch
- Movement therapies: stretching, physical therapy, yoga, qigong, and tai chi
Alleviate pain and improve energy
- Hydrotherapy
- Acupuncture
Coping skills
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
The bottom line?
Appropriate patient selection is the key to success, according to the authors.
10/20/08 20:48 JR