Biofeedback in children with voiding disorders

Urinary incontinence can lead to lower self-esteem and even kidney damage.

Researchers from Hopital Jeanne de Flandre in Lille, France evaluated the effect of a biofeedback-training program in children with a long history of voiding disorders.

First, the details.

  • 60 children with voiding disorders not due to neuropathic disease (nerve disorders) were treated.
  • Symptoms included daytime incontinence, urgency, and nighttime incontinence.
  • 62% of the children had a history of urinary tract infections
    • 37% of them also had vesico-ureteral reflux (when urine backs into the ureters and/or kidneys).
  • During 10 weekly sessions they were given instructions on toilet behavior and posture, and pelvic floor training.
  • They documented voiding frequency and liquid intake.
  • The biofeedback technique placed electrodes between the anus and genitals.
  • The exercises focused on relaxation of the perineum.

And, the results 6 months after the last session.

  • 96% of the children with daytime incontinence and 83% of the children with nighttime incontinence were cured or improved.
  • 84% of the children were free from infection.
  • Vesico-ureteral reflux was cured in half of the patients.

After 21 months.

  • 8% of the children with daytime incontinence and 33% with night-time incontinence relapsed.
    • There was a significant difference between primary (cause not known) and secondary (due to an underlying condition) enuresis (involuntary urination).
  • A breakthrough urinary tract infection occurred in 19% of patients.

The bottom line?
The authors concluded, “This non-invasive training program was effective in the treatment of daytime incontinence, urinary tract infection, and vesico-ureteral reflux.”

In addition, an improvement in secondary enuresis was observed. However, additional support sessions seem necessary to prevent relapse.

More on urinary incontinence is here.

10/26/08 21:45 JR